Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida: Tecelã de Mundos Passados e Presentes
colonial subjectivities, post-colonial testimonies, race and gender, historical memory, ecocumplicitySynopsis
This book is a tribute to the work of writer Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida. It showcases numerous contributors from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, united by their love of literature and their critical and social thinking around the interplay between the past and the present. In this space, everyone endeavours to unravel and ascribe meaning (or forge new meanings) to the worlds printed on the pages of a constant reflection on the realm of historical and human experience that permeates her work. The author belongs to a generation of African descent educated in Portugal who challenge the role of heirs to imperial and post-colonial legacies locally and globally. By forging connections with a European or even American diaspora, Djaimilia encourages us to reevaluate her generation’s place in a world marked by violence, solitude, silence, prejudice, and the imposition of borders. This book embodies a bold engagement with a citizen and writer who dares to confront the realms of the past, present, and future through active, committed and deeply humanistic writing. The texts featured in this compilation illustrate the richness and diversity of insights that Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida’s work, fostering a critical attitude towards our contemporaneity.
Introdução: Por uma Ecologia de Questionamentos e de Encontros
As Relações Possíveis Apesar do Sofrimento Abissal: O Realismo Afetivo de Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida
Deficiência, Racialização, e Colonialidade em Luanda, Lisboa, Paraíso
Maremoto: Despojos de Guerra, Solidão e Testemunho em Tempos Pós-Coloniais
Vidas Precárias, Vulnerabilidades Masculinas
Ecocumplicidade em A Visão das Plantas de Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida
Memória Histórica, Literatura e Rasura: Escrita Reparativa em Três Histórias de Esquecimento (2021)
Uma Economia de Afetos Coloniais: A Mediação de Identidades Subalternizadas em Luanda, Lisboa, Paraíso, de Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida
“Ver Vem Antes das Palavras”: As Crónicas de Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida
Análise Lexicométrica de Luanda, Lisboa, Paraíso, de Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida