Strategic Communication in Context: Theoretical Debates and Applied Research


Sara Balonas (ed)
Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Teresa Ruão (ed)
Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
María-Victoria Carrillo (ed)
Department of Information and Communication, Faculty of Library and Communication Science, University of Extremadura, Extremadura, Spain


communication sciences, strategic communication, organizational communication, communication strategies, applied communication


Strategic communication is becoming more relevant in communication sciences, though it needs to deepen its reflective practices, especially considering its potential in a VUCA world — volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. The capillary, holistic and result-oriented nature that portrays this scientific field has led to the imperative of expanding knowledge about the different approaches, methodologies and impacts in all kinds of organisations when strategic communication is applied. Therefore Strategic Communication in Context: Theoretical Debates and Applied Research assembles several studies and essays by renowned authors who explore the topic from different angles, thus testing the elasticity of the concept. Moreover, this group of authors represents various schools of thought and geographies, making this book particularly rich and cross-disciplinary.



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Author Biographies

Sara Balonas, Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

Sara Balonas is assistant professor at University of Minho (Portugal) and researcher at Communication and Society Research Centre. PhD in communication sciences — advertising in social sphere. Teaches strategic communication, brands, advertising and creativity. Research work is focused on the reconfiguration of advertising, its role in society beyond consumption and as a contribution to a better citizenship practice. Research interests: strategic communication, social change, behavioural communication, social marketing, non-profit communication, corporate social responsibility, communication for public health, territorial communication, political communication. Coordinator of Createlab (Creative Agency: Experimentation and Innovation Lab), Communication and Society Research Centre. Since 2013, works as a trainer and consultant in strategic communication for public health. Has professional experience in communications’ field: has been working for 30 years on communication strategies and campaigns. Currently, she is CEO of B+ Communication, an advertising company created in 2002, and is founder of Be True — Programme for sustainability and social responsibility (2010). Has been ambassador of entrepreneurship, nominated by the European Commission (2010–2013).

Teresa Ruão, Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

Teresa Ruão is associated professor in the Communication Sciences Department at the University of Minho – Portugal. She has a PhD thesis in communication sciences – organizational communication. She was vice-president of the Social Sciences Institute and president of its Pedagogical Council, from 2010 to 2019, and is currently vice-head of the Communication and Society Research Centre. Researches and teaches on organizational and strategic communication, brands and public relations, applied to corporate communication, science communication, health communication or communication for innovation.

María-Victoria Carrillo, Department of Information and Communication, Faculty of Library and Communication Science, University of Extremadura, Extremadura, Spain

María-Victoria Carrillo is an associate professor in the audiovisual communication and advertising area of the University of Extremadura, Faculty of Library and Communication Science, Department of Information and Communication. The leading researcher on AR-CO (group of research on digital and corporate communication).

Ana Castillo, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, Faculty of Communication Science, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain

Ana Castillo is an associate professor in the audiovisual communication and advertising area of the University of Málaga, Faculty of Communication Science, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. She is a researcher on corporate communication.

Ana Duarte Melo, Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

Ana Duarte Melo has a PhD in communication sciences and is assistant professor at the University of Minho. She has a master of arts in sound and image and has graduated in social communication. She teaches a variety of areas, from advertising, strategic communication, and strategic territorial communication to creativity and scriptwriting. Since 2019, she is the director of the degree course in communication sciences at the University of Minho. At the Communication and Society Research Centre, her research focus on advertising as a platform for citizenship and its interaction with the consumer-citizen. Ana Duarte Melo is an active contributor to academia in several national and international scientific associations (European Communication Research and Education Association [Ecrea] and the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences [Sopcom]), being currently co-chair of International Association for Media and Communication Research’s (IAMCR) participatory communication research section.

Antonio Raúl Fernández Rincón, TrendenLab/Department of Communication, Murcia University, Murcia, Spain

Antonio Raúl Fernández Rincón has a PhD in communication, a bachelor’s degree in advertising and public relations from Madrid Complutense University (Spain), a master’s degree in advanced communication from University of Murcia (Spain). He is an associate lecturer in audiovisual communication, and advertising from University of Murcia (Spain). Self-employed professional specialising in graphic design and communication since 1995.

Atsuho Nakayama, Department of Business Administration, Graduate School of Management, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Atsuho Nakayama is associate professor of marketing science. He is an expert in data analysis in marketing at Tokyo Metropolitan University in Japan. His recent research interests are the visualisation and reduction of large and complex data about consumer behaviour. He has studied the methodological and applicative method for multiway data, asymmetric data, and sparse data. Recently, he has been studying image and text data analysis using machine learning techniques and deep learning techniques. He wants to use consumers’ uploading habits on the internet for marketing purposes.

Belén Amadeo, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Belén Amadeo Belén holds a bachelor honors degree in political science (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) and a PhD in public communication (University of Navarra). She is professor of public opinion at the University of Buenos Aires and of political communication at the Montevideo University.

Damion Waymer, Department of Advertising and Public Relations, College of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Alabama, Alabama, United States of America

Damion Waymer (PhD, Purdue University) is professor and chairperson of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Alabama. He is an authority on issues of diversity, race, class, and gender in the context of public relations, issues management, corporate social responsibility, and strategic communication research.  His research appears in outlets such as Journal of Applied Communication ResearchJournal of Public Relations ResearchManagement Communication Quarterly, and Public Relations Review.

Emilia Smolak Lozano, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain

Emilia Smolak Lozano has a PhD in communication sciences. Currently professor and researcher at the University of Malaga (Spain), teaching  advertising and public relations. Master’s degree in sociology from the Jagiellonian University in Poland and european studies from the University of Exeter in United Kingdom. Her research combines sociological and European perspectives to political communications, social media, and digital communication. Author of over 30 scientific articles published in indexed journals and over 20 book chapters. Author of two books: on political communication 2.0 and digital campaigns strategic management. The scientific outcome of the research is reflected in over 40 presentations on international conferences.

Fábia Pereira Lima, School of Philosophy and Human Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Fábia Pereira Lima is a professor of the Graduate Programme in Social Communication of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. PhD in Communication from the School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo. President of the Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Comunicação Organizacional e Relações Públicas (Brazilian Association of Researchers in Organisational Communication and Public Relations). Researcher of the research groups “Mobiliza” (Mobilizes; Federal University of Minas Gerais) and Dialorg – “Comunicação no contexto organizacional: aspectos teórico-conceituais” (Communication in the organisational context: theoretical-conceptual aspects; Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais/Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico [Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development]).

Gemma Bridge, Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, United Kingdom

Gemma Bridge is a research evidence impact officer at Leeds Business School and her PhD explored advocacy and lobbying in the health policy arena. Gemma’s research interests include communication, social media, and health.

Isaura Mourão Generoso, Faculty of Communication and Arts, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Isaura Mourão Generoso has a PhD in communication and information from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Professor, having taught in Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais and in Federal University of Minas Gerais. Consultant in organisational communication. Member of the research group Dialorg – “Comunicação no contexto organizacional: aspectos teórico-conceituais” (Communication in the organisational context: theoretical-conceptual aspects; Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais/Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico [Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development]) and of the research group “Pesquisa em Comunicação Organizacional, Cultura e Relações de Poder” (Organisational Communication, Culture and Power Relations; Grupo de Pesquisa em Comunicação Organizacional [Organizational Communication Research Group] – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul).

Ivone de Lourdes Oliveira, Faculty of Communication and Arts, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Ivone de Lourdes Oliveira is a professor of the Graduate Programme in Social Communication of Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. PhD in communication and culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, post-doctorate from the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), leader of the research group Dialorg — “Comunicação no contexto organizacional: aspectos teórico-conceituais” (Communication in the organisational context: theoretical-conceptual aspects; Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais/Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico [Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development]).

Ivone Ferreira, ICNOVA Research Unit/Communication Sciences Department, NOVA University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Ivone Ferreira is assistant professor in the area of strategic communication at University Nova of Lisbon. With a PhD thesis (2012) in communication sciences with a focus on the persuasive language of television advertising. Integrated researcher at Nova Communication Institute, Ferreira belongs to the research group of strategic communication and decision making processes, publishing in the areas of advertising, organizational communication, and public interest communication. In 2019, she was invited editor of the Scopus journal Media & Jornalismo (No. 34), dedicated to advertising.

Javier Trabadela-Robles, Department of Information and Communication, Faculty of Library and Communication Science, University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

Javier Trabadela-Robles is an associate professor in the audiovisual communication and advertising area of the University of Extremadura (Department of Information and Communication, Faculty of Library and Communication Science). Researcher on AR-CO (group of reseach on digital and corporate communication) and full member of ICONO14 (Scientific Association for Research in New Communication Technologies).

José Gabriel Andrade, Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

José Gabriel Andrade is assistant professor at the University of Minho. In 2015 he obtained the title of European doctor in communication sciences from the Catholic University of Portugal. In 2009, he received the title of master in communication sciences, from Catholic University of Portugal. He holds a degree in communication sciences from the Catholic University of Santos, São Paulo. He is a member of the Cost European Network and member of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (Sopcom) — where he coordinates the Organisational and Institutional Communication Working Group — and of the international networks IAMCR, Ecrea, and Lusocom. He has been researching in organisational communication since 2002, and working as a communications advisor in public and private companies in Brazil and Portugal. His areas of academic interest are the studies of communication sciences, particularly organisational communication and new information and communication technologies.

Luís Eusébio, NOVA University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Luís Eusébio has a master in communication sciences — strategic communication, Nova University of Lisbon (Faculty of Social and Human Sciences). He is a marketing content producer at Webtexto agency, Lisbon.

Maria João Centeno, School of Communication and Media Studies, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon and Nova Institute of Communication, Lisbon, Portugal

Maria João Centeno, PhD and master in communication sciences by Nova University of Lisbon — School of Social Sciences and Humanities (2011 and 1999, respectively) and graduate in social communication by University of Beira Interior (1994). Associate professor and researcher at School of Communication and Media Studies from the Lisbon Polytechnic since 1995, where she teaches theories of communication and communication and language of the undergraduates, communication and mediation of the master in public relations strategic management. Coordinator of the Communication Sciences’ Department. President of the Pedagogical Council. PhD researcher integrated in Nova Institute of Communication (ICNOVA) of Nova University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities. Member of the Landscape Museum.

Naíde Müller, Research Center for Communication and Culture, Faculty of Human Sciences, Catholic University, Lisbon, Portugal

Naíde Müller is a PhD candidate in communication sciences at Catholic University of Portugal where she is a junior researcher at the Research Center for Communication and Culture. She holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations and business communication from the Higher School for Social Communication and a master of arts in integrated communication from the Institute for New Professions. Her main research interests are related with the role of strategic communication in bringing human rights activist movements closer to traditional media, especially television.

Patricia Schroeder, Faculty of Communication, Center for Biomedical Sciences, Instituto de Estudios Empresariales de Montevideo, University of Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

Patricia Schroeder holds a bachelor honors degree in international affairs (University of the Republic, Uruguay) and a master’s degree in organizational communication (Austral University, Argentina). She is professor of strategic communication and crisis communication at the Montevideo University.

Paulo Salgado, Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

Paulo Salgado teaches strategic communication, branding, and marketing at the University of Minho and the University Institute of Maia. He complements his activity as a lecturer with more than 10 years of experience as a consultant in branding and communication in companies and communication/branding agencies. He is completing his PhD in strategic communication at the University of Minho and has international certification in corporate reputation by Reputation Institute, New York.

Pedro Antonio Hellín Ortuño, TrendenLab/Department of Communication, Murcia University, Murcia, Spain

Pedro Antonio Hellín Ortuño has a PhD in communication from University of Seville (Spain), a bachelor’s degree in advertising and public relations from Madrid Complutense University (Spain), a master’s degree in corporate communication from Madrid Complutense University (Spain) and university specialist in analysis of social reality from Alicante University (Spain). Senior lecturer at the Faculty of Communication and Documentation, University of Murcia (Spain). He is part of the team which prepares the global study of trends for the Instituto Ipsos (Brazil).

Peggy Simcic Brønn, Department of Communication and Culture, Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway

Peggy Simcic Brønn is professor emerita of communication and management in bachelor in business intelligence Norwegian Business School’s Department of Communication and Culture. She was founder and leader of business intelligence’s Center for Corporate Communication for 10 years. Brønn’s research areas include reputation and reputation risk analysis, corporate communication, motives for social engagement, and the strategic role of communication managers. She was an associate editor of Journal of Communication Management until 2020, and currently sits on the editorial board of several journals. In addition to authoring or editing several books, she has published chapters in a number of books, as well published in such journals as Journal of Business EthicsEuropean Journal of MarketingInternational Studies of Management and OrganisationCorporate Reputation ReviewInternational Journal of AdvertisingPublic Relations Review, Journal of Public Policy and Business, and Society Review.  

Ralph Tench, Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, United Kingdom

Ralph Tench is the director of research for Leeds Business School and the elected president and head of the Board of Directors for the European Public Relations Research and Education Association (Euprera). Professor Tench’s research interests include strategic communication, public relations, organisational competency, and health.

Robert L. Heath, Department of Communication, University of Houston, Houston, United States of America

Robert L. Heath (PhD, University of Illinois, 1971) is professor emeritus at the University of Houston. He is author or editor of 24 books, including handbooks and master collections, and 276 articles in major journals, chapters in leading edited books, and encyclopedia entries. In addition to strategic issues management, he has written on rhetorical theory, social movements, communication theory, public relations, strategic communication, organizational communication, crisis communication, risk communication, terrorism, corporate social responsibility, investor relations, engagement, and reputation management. His most recent books are the International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication and the Handbook of Organizational Rhetoric and Communication.

Sónia Silva, Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

Sónia Silva has a PhD in communication studies: technology, culture and society in 2020, from the University of Minho, in partnership with the University Institute of Lisbon, the University of Beira Interior and the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies. She currently works as an invited assistant professor at the School of Human and Social Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. She is a research fellow in the “Factory of the Future” project that results from the consortium between the University of Minho and Bosch. Sónia Silva’s research focuses on organisational and strategic communication, risk communication, crisis communication, social responsibility, organisational identity, brands, and public relations.

W. Timothy Coombs, Department of Communication, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A & M University, Texas, United States of America

W. Timothy Coombs (PhD from Purdue University in public affairs and issues management) is a full professor in Department of Communication at Texas A&M University and holds the Abell Endowed Professorship in liberal arts. He has received the 2002 recipient of Jackson, Jackson & Wagner Behavioral Science Prize from the Public Relations Society of America, and the 2013 Pathfinder Award from the Institute of Public Relations in recognition of his research contributions to the field and to the practice. Coombs has won multiple pride awards from the Public Relations Division of the National Communication Association for both books and research articles. He is also a member of the prestigious Arthur W. Page Society. Coombs was a Fulbright Scholar in Estonia in the Spring of 2013. IIn the fall of 2013, he was named professor at Lund University, Helsingborg Campus. He is a past editor for Corporation Communication: An International Journal.


July 30, 2021



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