“Victoria” for the Iberian Wolf?
Iberian wolf conservation; Sustainability; Human ValuesSynopsis
As coordinator of the Curricular Unit (UC) Biology Labs (LB), in 2019, Isabel Aguiar Pinto Mina promoted a protocol between ECUM and the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL). This partnership aimed to integrate a volunteer project in scientific literacy emphasising the humanisation of knowledge - NERD Mission (Nanotechnology Education and Research Demonstrations) in LB, using innovative learning methods. Isabel A. P. Mina, as a member of the Community of Practice and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CPIEA) at UMinho, participated in projects supported by the IDEA Center and by the Rectorate of UMinho, namely ProjectIDEA 10 2018 – “Active and collaborative learning scenarios using digital tools – multimodal mapping of programmatic content.”
Methods using multimodal strategies proved to be appropriate and facilitated collaborative work during the COVID 19 pandemic. The LB students, who were attending higher education for the first time, were challenged to carry out collaborative projects online, choosing theme articles from an area of biological research of interest to each of the teams formed. On the basis of a "motto article", they studied the techniques, the equipment and the procedures for the investigation of the selected objects of study.
The simplification of the complexity of scientific texts was promoted by the multimodal mapping of the curriculum and the realisation of such projects culminated at the end of the UC with simple and very diverse presentations shared in the LB class. One of these projects was about the Iberian wolf, which included, among the final products, a children’s book. This still very naive book showed a lot of imagination and creativity from the students involved. Ana Clara, the promoter of the project, undertook to improve the book, which was produced but never published. Corrections included changing the title, creating new illustrations and thoroughly revising the text. The result, now submitted for publication, is more suitable for a wider audience. This work is therefore an important document that testifies to the impact of innovative learning methods that also appeal to the importance of fundamental human values, such as generosity and compassion, and contribute to the development of students as agents of change in our society.